Charities & Charitable Organisations, Darwin City, NT 0800
Over 50 years in the Northern Territory
Bringing women & families together
Provide a forum for the voice of all women in NT
Improve conditions & welfare of all families
Non-for Profit Organisation
The C.W.A. of Australia
The Associated Country Women of the World. (ACWW)
Bringing women & families together
Provide a forum for the voice of all women in NT
Improve conditions & welfare of all families
Non-for Profit Organisation
The C.W.A. of Australia
The Associated Country Women of the World. (ACWW)
CWA of the Northern Territory is a not-for-profit, volunteer operated, women's organisation aiming to improve the wellbeing of all people, especially those in country areas by promoting courtesy, cooperation, community effort, ethical standards and the wise use of resources.