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Legal ID: Wide range of quality flooring materials
Trade & Retail Supplies Of Timber & Associated Hardware
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This business servicing The Lakes is a local SME in the Timber Supplies category. Allwood Timber Supplies in Welshpool, Western Australia is a family owned business supplying a range of timber and hardware to the general public, corporate customers, the mining industry, trade customers and re-sellers. |
Delivery service provided in Midland
This business servicing The Lakes is a local SME in the Timber Supplies category. Allwood Timber Supplies in Welshpool, Western Australia is a family owned business supplying a range of timber and hardware to the general public, corporate customers, the mining industry, trade customers and re-sellers.
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Bamboo wood flooring has made strides in popularity in recent years as an alternative to hardwood and timber flooring. Is there any benefit to using bamboo over timber floorboards? We’ve gathered some of the key differences between bamboo hardwood flooring and traditional timber floorboards to settle the argument.
Overall, the choice is up to personal taste. Check out our local listings and try out the ‘Request Booking’ button to request an appointment with a specialist who can advise you on next steps to take.
We have 6 results for Bamboo & Timber Flooring in THE LAKES, WA available in the Yellow Pages® directory. You can refine and sort your search for THE LAKES Bamboo & Timber Flooring by distance, specialty or service options. You can also use the interactive map of THE LAKES to find the exact location of the business and get directions from wherever you are.
The following businesses may not be located in The Lakes, WA 6556 but service the area
Timber Supplies
WA's Major Supplier Of Structural Timber & Engineered Timber Products.
Roof Trusses & Wall Frames
WA's Major Supplier Of Structural Timber & Engineered Timber Products.
Floor Coverings
Great Choice - Great Value - Great Service - All Regions Of WA