Family Owned & Operated Since 1979
No Opening Hours Provided
This business servicing Tom Price is a local SME in the Mining, Quarrying Equipment & Supplies category. Brooks Hire commenced in 1979 when Doug Brooks purchased two u/s compressors on bankcard. In 1982 Doug purchased the first piece of mobile plant an 8 tonne JEC crane, by tender, which Doug drove to Eneabba. At the time of buying the crane, Doug was operating the business from a shed at Eneabba working 18 hour days and living 5 days a week in a humpy at the back of a shed. |
This business servicing Tom Price is a local SME in the Mining, Quarrying Equipment & Supplies category. Brooks Hire commenced in 1979 when Doug Brooks purchased two u/s compressors on bankcard. In 1982 Doug purchased the first piece of mobile plant an 8 tonne JEC crane, by tender, which Doug drove to Eneabba. At the time of buying the crane, Doug was operating the business from a shed at Eneabba working 18 hour days and living 5 days a week in a humpy at the back of a shed.
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The following businesses may not be located in Tom Price, WA 6751 but service the area