Taxis and wheelchairs – the lowdown

Published in September 2015

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Taxis and wheelchairs – the lowdown

in Articles Hub
Published in September 2015

Across Australia, the appropriate state or territory taxi industry body is responsible for ensuring that taxis are accessible to all members of the community, including people with a disability.

Wheelchair accessible taxis

Wheelchair accessible taxis (WATs) allow people to travel in their wheelchair, provided that they and the wheelchair can be safely restrained in the vehicle. WATs are vehicles designed to carry one, two or more people seated in wheelchairs (depending upon the vehicle type) and between four and eleven passengers when not configured to carry wheelchairs.

Priority booking

WATs are required to give priority to bookings by people who use wheelchairs, but they may be used to carry other passengers when not engaged with wheelchair bookings. When not carrying wheelchair passengers, WATs have the same operating rights and conditions as standard taxis, but charge a higher tariff when carrying (usually) more than four passengers.

Driver training

Drivers of WATs receive special training so as to enable them to lift and manouevre passengers and wheelchairs safely and effectively. In some areas a "lift payment" may be charged for lifting a wheelchair into a taxi.

WAT bookings are usually synchronised across the entire local taxi region to ensure prompt attendance. It is better to phone for a WAT rather than relying on your ability to hail one off the street.

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