How can I identify a good second hand dealer?
A second hand dealer is any person or company who carries on the business of buying, selling, exchanging or otherwise dealing in second hand goods.
This is regardless of where the goods are bought, or whether they deal in other goods. Second hand goods are those that have been worn or otherwise used but are still in usable condition. Second hand items include books, furniture, cars and musical instruments. While the internet has made it easier for direct buying and selling, there are still advantages of going to a second hand dealer and being able to examine a range of items in one place before buying.
Marks of a good Second Hand Dealer
First of all, second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers must display signage at their place of business to show they are licensed. The sign must show the name of the licensee with the words ‘licensed dealer in second-hand property’ or ‘licensed pawnbroker’ near the name. The name of the associate in charge of the business must also appear nearby. If you see these, you know that you are dealing with a licensed dealer in second hand books, second hand furniture, or whatever the case may be. Apart from the legalities, a good second hand dealer of books, for example, may take an interest in your collection and what you are interested in. If you build up a relationship you may even find that the second hand dealer may put certain books aside for you to collect. A good second hand car dealer will try to establish a relationship with you and guide you in the right direction, rather than hustling you to sign paperwork on a particular vehicle.
Demand for Second Hand
The demand has grown for antique and used goods as people recognise the value of old school materials and craftsmanship. This means that second hand dealers can charge more than in the past. A good second hand dealer will only put a reasonable price on an item, however, and will make sure that you are buying a sound, genuine antique, rather than a ‘distressed’ but thoroughly modern copy from India. Second hand dealers also sell clothes as well as furniture and household items like crockery, bedding and linen. Many second hand dealers are extremely reasonable in their prices, especially those run by charities such as St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army. Although in some countries buying second hand is considered a sign of poverty, in Australia there is a great deal of satisfaction gained from knowing you are recycling a piece of furniture with a history and charm all its own – especially when you get it for a song.
Obligations of a second hand dealer
- They must trade only from the places listed on their licence, not door to door or at a market or street stall
- They must tell the police if they acquire goods that they have reason to believe may have been stolen
- They must keep nominated goods for seven working days after receiving them
- A second hand dealer must not knowingly acquire goods from anyone under 17 years of age, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Finally, if you love a bargain but don’t want to be driving around all weekend looking for one, try second hand shopping online. Despite the credit crunch, the second hand trading market is booming as people like you turn to buying quality second hand items online; from the latest plasma screens to designer jeans. Popular online trading sites report a spike in trade of second hand items since the global financial crisis hit, especially imports from the US and UK. Swap sites that allow you to trade goods for services and vice versa – without money passing hands – are also seeing a similar boom on the local level. There’s a world of second hand goodies out there – and as we know, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.