Save money with these 7 services you never knew you could claim on Medicare
Save money with these 7 services you never knew you could claim on Medicare
From dietary aid to in vitro fertilisation, Medicare can help you out with all sorts of things if you match the right criteria. Let’s take a look at some, so you can start saving money now.
1. Psychology services
If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition by a practicing medical professional, you may well be eligible for up to 20 psychological treatment sessions (10 individual and 10 group) per year. This is thanks to the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners plan, which incorporates psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so check this out today if you feel you need the support.
2. IVF
The pain and frustration of infertility is bad enough without having to pay an arm and a leg to get it treated. A range of solutions are available on Medicare, with in vitro fertilisation being amongst the most successful. Chat to your GP to find out if you’re eligible.
3. Dietician services
Medicare can be a genuine lifesaver for those suffering from conditions that are affected by nutrition (diabetes or heart disease, for example). Rebates can be claimed if your doctor refers you to a specialist dietician, as well as for consultations with weight-loss surgeons and anaesthetists if gastric banding is being considered.
4. Chiropractic and physiotherapy
Medicare also includes certain exercise therapy options. If your condition requires something more intensive than the usual recommended amount of exercise, your GP can refer you to a physiotherapist to safely boost your activity levels. Occupational therapies are covered as well, such as chiropractic services for those with physically strenuous jobs.
5. Dentistry
If you suffer from an oral health issue that affects the rest of your wellbeing (such as facial fractures or cancer), Medicare can cover the costs of any dental-related treatments you have to undergo. If you develop an infection during a standard dental procedure or require special observation afterwards, Medicare can also help with the hospitalisation costs.
6. Midwifery
Women using private midwifery services can still receive Medicare assistance, provided their midwives have made a prior agreement to work with certified medical practitioners within a hospital setting. Medicare can be requested for antenatal services, delivery and up to six months of postnatal care if these requirements are met.
7. Eye tests
One of the main advantages of Medicare is that it offsets the costs of visiting numerous dedicated experts. Optometrists are no exception, of course, and it’s very likely that your next eye test could be covered under the scheme. Hopefully that’ll encourage you to actually get one, instead of putting it off yet again. Your eyes are pretty important, after all.
Don’t forget to visit our wellbeing section for more tips on getting the most out of your healthcare services.