How often do I need to get my lawns mowed?
The short answer is – probably more often than you want to. Lawn mowing – for most people at least – is not high on the list of fun things to do. Some people, however, find the activity quite relaxing and even meditative at times. Leaving aside issues of motivation, the regularity with which you need to mow your lawn will depend on a few environmental factors.
The season and the climate
Grass grows more quickly in spring and summer and will grow particularly quickly when periods of rain are followed by period of warm sunshine. If you think you have to cut your grass too often now, image what it’s like living in the tropics. Grass will grow fastest when there is plenty of water, light and nutrition available. A warm temperature is best for growth, although if it is too hot it will slow growth.
The type of grass
Grass seed blends are available for different climates. Grasses including Bermuda and St Augustine are suitable for a warmer climate, while grasses such as rye, fescue and bluegrass are suitable for colder climates. Rye and Bermuda are two of the fastest growing grasses.
A General rule of thumb is not really how often to mow but at what height. Aim to keep the grass between 5cm and 7.5cm tall, never cutting more than a third of the overall blade at any one time.