How to install pink batts
The most popular type of insulation is glass wool, which commonly comes in the form of insulation batts. You can also use more-expensive polyester insulation or "blow-in" insulation, which needs to be installed by a professional.
Insulation blankets are another type of glass wool that can be used to insulate your home. They come with or without a layer of foil on the top and bottom. The foil-covered blankets are known as ‘normal faced’ insulation.
Installing insulation pink batts
It’s fairly straightforward to install pink batts yourself.
Step one: Prior to installation, carefully check for hazards, especially electrical hazards. Treat all electrical cables as live. Get a qualified electrician to repair any damaged, exposed or hanging cables before you begin.
Step two: Measure the distance between the ceiling studs.
Step three: Gather your tools. You’ll need:
- a sharp knife
- a cutting board
- a kneeling board (that spans at least two ceiling joists)
- gloves
- a dust mask
- goggles.
- extra lighting.
Step four: First, work out how many packs of pink batts you need and pass them through the manhole. Climb into the ceiling, and place the kneeling board across at least two ceiling joists.
Step five: To allow for adequate ventilation and evaporation of moisture, a 25mm gap must be maintained between the roof underlay and the insulation.
Starting at the furthest point from the manhole, lay the batts between ceiling joists, making sure that there are no gaps left at the joins between batts. Continue until the entire ceiling area is covered.
Do not staple insulation near electrical cables – leave a 50mm gap between staples and cables. Beware of electrical cables – stapling or nailing through wires may lead to death or serious injury. In additon, do not install insulation around downlights or their transformers. Be sure to allow for adequate clearance to avoid the risk of fire.
Off-cuts can be used to fill small gaps.
Never walk on plaster ceilings, and make sure you only stand on the ceiling joists. Be careful about the ceiling’s wiring – where possible, place the batts underneath electrical wires.
Need more information? Here’s a handy guide to Pink Batt installation we found online.
For more information, or to find a tradesman to do the job for you, contact a local insulation expert. You can find one here.