Is it cheaper to book a package through an agent?
There are so many wonderful holiday and accommodation deals available on the internet these days, is it really any cheaper or better to book through a travel agent? And what about package tours?
What is packaging
Packaging of holiday "products" is something that is done by large holiday and leisure businesses, using their bulk buying power to source flights, accommodation, transport and other features more cheaply than the general public is able to. These products are then bundled together into "packages" and released through agents of the principle company. This is why most travel agents are branded by or affiliated with one of these major companies – to have access to these cheaper packages.
Package Tours
A package tour is one where all aspects of the tour and all associated costs are bundled into a single package and managed by the tour agent, in most cases all you need do is pay. Airfares to and from your home location to the embarkation and destination points of the tours are not necessarily included. Usually, you will get yourself to the starting point of the tour and then travel as part of a group through a variety of locations, with all the "management" being taken care of by your tour guide.
Package Holidays
Package holidays generally consist of packaged airfare and accommodation deals, with the accommodation at a single hotel or resort property. In these cases, there will often be an association or relationship between the airline and the accommodation owners to provide for the discounts.
Why go with a package
If you don’t have the time, the experience or even just the interest to organise a tour around Europe, then a package tour may be just the thing for you. All of the booking and driving and negotiating is done for you and you will be able to rely on the quality of the product you are receiving. Package holidays are perfect for grabbing a bargain or if you’re not sure where to stay on that island paradise. Large package companies can’t afford to get bad reviews from customers and so ensure that the hotels and restaurants they patronise are always to the proper level of quality and service.
Why are travel agents better
Travel agents are plugged in to a number of professional and personal networks which ensure they always have up to date travel information. Through their industry contacts, your travel agent will know what is happening in different travel markets and prime destinations. However it’s through good old human word of mouth that your travel agent will get much of their best information. A good travel agent will be receiving direct feedback from every one of their clients, every time they travel. They will be sharing this information within their personal and professional network, and receiving similar information in return; and so they will know exactly what’s happening in myriad destinations.
Using a travel agent isn’t just about having access to cheaper products and better information. Using a travel agent will ensure that you don’t get off a plane in another country, only to find out too late that you had to get a visa before you left Australia. They will also take the hassle out of getting visas by taking care of all the running around for you.
Talk to your local travel agent about what package products they have access to or have a look online to find out more about some of the big package tour and package holiday companies and what they have to offer.