Ordering a bouquet of flowers? Read this first.
If you are going to all the time and expense of ordering a bouquet of flowers, you don’t want to fall down at the final hurdle with an inappropriately OTT (or worse, underwhelming) display.
To avoid disaster, take a few minutes to decide what types and colours of flowers you want to give, what your budget is, and the message you’d like to accompany the bouquet.
Luckily the florist is well equipped to help you out on all fronts. When you call, you’ll probably be asked a series of questions.
- What sort of flowers do you have in mind?
- What colours would you like?
- What size bouquet or arrangement do you want? And how many?
- What are the flowers for? Are they wedding flowers, a corsage, or flowers for a funeral?
- Do you want a message? What do you want it to say?
Your florist will also need to know the delivery address, and the time and date of delivery. If it’s a corporate delivery or for a function, be sure to have these details on hand.
You might like: 9 top Brisbane florists
If your florist has a website, take a look online prior to your call to see what they offer – it might make choosing a bouquet a little less overwhelming.
To find a florist near you, use the Yellow Pages. Click here.