Fencing codes and regulations
You’ll need a fencing contractor for erecting fences around your home, pool or any other area you wish to cordon off.
Depending on the purpose, you’ll need different types of fences and most of those fences will be subject to some form of local government or state fencing or planning code.
Fencing codes and regulations – where to get the facts
Australia has a National Construction Code. Local and state government websites have guidelines, based on this national code. State government consumer affairs services are also a good source of information regarding fence heights, material and even colours that may be limited or controlled by local government.
The Australian Building Codes Board keeps builders, contractors, suppliers and manufacturers informed of changes to codes. It’s role is to fulfill community expectations of safety, health and amenity in the design, construction and use of buildings – which includes fences and walls – through nationally consistent building codes, standards, regulatory requirements and regulatory systems. It is important to check on regulations before commencing any fencing work. For example, strict standards are applied to brick walls in playgrounds, schools, and sports facilities such as backwalls for basketball/netball hoops.