6 tips for a cheap renovation – Keep your reno within budget
6 tips for a cheap renovation – Keep your reno within budget
It’s easy to get carried away with grand, sweeping plans when you’re starting a renovation. A bit too easy, in fact. A simple kitchen paint job can quickly expand into matching floor tiles, and before you know it you’re knocking holes in the walls and measuring up for a brand-new set of countertops. And then you have to pay for it somehow. If you want to stay in budget, just keep these handy pointers in mind.
Know your renovation budget
You can hardly stick to your budget if you don’t know what it is, can you? Whether you’re repainting your living room or setting off on a big garden landscaping adventure, you need to know exactly how much you have to spend before you decide anything else. Don’t just make a rough estimate of the cost and hope for the best, because that can lead to all sorts of nasty surprises down the line. Decide how much money you can realistically sink into this, and stick to that figure like glue.
Prioritise what you actually want changed
Once you’ve weighed up all the factors and determined your budget, it’s time to sort out what you’re actually doing with it. You might not be able to do everything you want to this time around (renovations can get expensive, after all), so it’s good to learn how to prioritise. Once you figure out what you definitely want to do, you’ll find it easier to shelve less important parts of the project and dig them out next time you’ve saved up.
Speak to a tradie and get a fixed quote upfront for your reno
This one’s really important, so don’t skip it. You can painstakingly plan out the most meticulous budget in history, but it will all fly out the window the second you start paying tradespeople by the hour. Get a fixed price quote upfront before hiring anybody to carry out the work, and make sure you’re both on exactly the same wavelength regarding all aspects of the project.
Choose one room to renovate
Unless you’ve just won the lottery, it’s probably best to keep your costs down by renovating one room at a time. Instead of doing a half-hearted job on two or three areas of the house, focus your resources on the one room where a reno would make the most difference. It’s usually the kitchen or the bathroom, so pick one and do it up properly like it deserves. You can always renovate another room when your finances allow it.
Opt for cosmetic changes
Renovations don’t have to mean massive overhauls and widespread changes. Smaller, cosmetic twists can have just as much of an impact as structural alternations, provided you choose them carefully. Knocking down walls, replumbing and installing new appliances is certainly fun, but it can seriously set you back. Fresh paint, a stylish rug or even some matching lampshades can do a lot for any room, so don’t jump into anything major before you’ve considered the more modest alternatives.
Stick to your renovation plan
Once your project is past the planning stage and officially underway, it’s too late to change your mind. You’re in too deep, and suddenly deciding you want something different will either be impossible or extremely costly to implement. Make sure you’re madly in love with whatever it is you’re having done before you get started, because there’s no going back after that. Renovations require unwavering belief, so leave all doubt at the door.
We hope your reno goes down without a hitch, and there’s plenty of dependable tradespeople in your area ready to ensure that it does.