Are you feeding your fish the right food?
If you’ve just adopted a fish or two as household pets, then it’s important to feed them the right type and quantity of food. Fish come in all shapes and sizes, and there are a variety of colourful species to choose from, and each comes with its own dietary requirements. So, when it comes to feeding time, here are a few things you should remember.
Are your fish herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?
Fish are as diverse in their feeding habits as any other species, so you should check what type of diet your fish prefer. Herbivores obviously require lots of vegetable-based foods, while carnivores need meat (that would be the worms, insects – even other fish). Omnivores, meanwhile, will thank you for a healthy balance of both.
What size are your fish?
It’s easy to accidentally overfeed you fish, so consider what size your fish are before dishing out the nosh. Smaller fish need less food, so a few flakes will do, while larger species will require bigger pellets or worms to sustain them.
Where in the tank do your fish swim?
There’s no point dropping a few flakes of food into the tank if your fish never swim near the top, as flakes and processed food are designed to float. Bulkier fish food like pellets are better for bottom-feeders, as they sink down into the water. So, if you see food floating around and think your fish aren’t hungry, it could just be because you’ve given them the wrong kind of dinner.
Is your fish a wild species?
It’s important to check this out, as wild fish can’t tolerate processed food (such as flakes, pellets, tablets and crumbs) and need fresh, live food (including bloodworms, daphnia, white worms, red worms).
Variety is key
What you feed your fish will determine how well they live and how long they live, which is important whether you’re breeding them for stock, or simply want them as pets. Giving them a variety of different foods (suitable to their species) will also benefit them in the long run and ensure they live out a good, healthy life.
If you’re just starting out with fish, we can help you find all the aquariums and supplies – including food – you need.