Care Is Offered On A Full Time, Part Time Or Semester Basis
About Us
Products and Services
Possums(from birth to 18 months) there are 13 places in the possum’s room - 7 semesterplaces and 6 permanent places. Wombats (from 18 months to 3 years) There are 20places in the Wombats room - 14 semester places and 10 permanent places. Kangaroos (from 3 to 6 years) Kangaroos room caters for 24 -27 children with 14 semester places and 10 permanent places.
Babies, Preschool, Toddlers
Community Based Care, Non-profit
Qualified Early Childhood Educators
krinari, kindergarten, child care, early childhood, long day care, pre-school, childcare, day care, pre school, creche
Places fill quickly so we encourage you to call early to have your name added to our waiting list.
Yes, we are, subject to availability.