Suite 4, Ground Floor, 710 Hunter Street Newcastle West 2302

Psychology Options


Experienced Clinical And Registered Psychologists

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Suite 4, Ground Floor, 710 Hunter Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302

Psychology Options opening hours in Newcastle West

Psychology Options opening hours in Newcastle West

8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday To Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Psychology Options - Promotion

About Psychology Options

Experienced Clinical Psychologists who work with a diverse range of complex clinical presentations using a range of approaches.
Professional and well-established practice with experienced Clinical and Registered Psychologists– Frances Dunn, Dr Kristine Kafer and Melinda Miller. We have been providing evidence-based psychological services to Newcastle for over 25 years.

Issues Including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Adjustment to change and life transitions
  • Abuse and trauma (PTSD)
  • Grief and bereavement
  • Relationship and interpersonal issues
  • Work related issues
  • Emotional struggles related to physical health
  • Professional supervision

Products and Services

Psychology Options - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Evidence Based Treatment, Hypnosis, Stress Management, Trauma




By Appointment, Disabled Access, Health Fund Rebates, Medicare, Registered


Anxiety, Bereavement, Depression, Emotional Distress, Grief, Insomnia, Inter-personal Problems, Life Transitions, Parenting, Phobias, Physical Health, Post-traumatic Stress, Postnatal Depression, Sexual Abuse & Trauma, Stress, Work Related Issues

Catering To

Adults, Seniors


PTSD, Professional supervision, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Grief Counselling, EMDR, Depression, Psychologist, Clinical Psychology, Phobia Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)


  • How can a psychologist help me?

    All of us struggle with challenges at times during our lives, particularly during periods of high stress. Many people find it helpful to see a psychologist when they feel they would benefit from assistance or support to manage the challenges they are facing. Our clients tell us it is often helpful to discuss these things with an objective person who can help them to identify and make the changes they wish to make and learn new skills and strategies to manage life’s challenges.

  • Do I need a referral?

    No, you don't need a referral to see a psychologist. However, some people are eligible for a Medicare rebate and you will need a referral from your Doctor to receive this rebate.

  • How do I know my discussions with a psychologist will be confidential?

    Psychologists operate under a code of ethics that upholds confidentiality in most circumstances. Your psychologist will discuss the limits of confidentiality with you in the first consultation. Generally, a psychologist needs your approval to release any information about you to another person. Exceptions to this are in the rare event that your case files are subpoenaed by a court or if there are concerns about an individual's safety.